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Marine Prototype Centre

Oceansgate has an ambition to create the UK’s first Marine Prototype Centre within our Phase 3 waterside development.

The Marine Prototype Centre will add a unique and purpose built facility conceptualising, prototyping and testing the surface and sub-surface vessels and devices of the future – such facilities are extremely rare and are in high demand.

This will be central to Plymouth’s wider Marine Autonomous Systems ‘Centre of Excellence’ and ‘Alternative Propulsion’ significant capability – a key driver of our Clean Growth initiatives. In additional, this development provides opportunity to create City College’s Institute of Technology autonomous vessel facilities on the water’s edge.

What the offer will be:

  • Workshops and some offices to be let to any organisation on 12-month renewable licenses with short notice period breaks.
  • Test facilities and equipment to be hired on an hourly, half day or day rate to any organisation
  • Vessel storage to be hired on day rate or as part of workshop licence.

We are still in the design phase of our Prototype Centre, and would welcome businesses’ input by getting in touch.

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